Hello I am running GATK Selectvariant getting below error my code looking as below can anyone help resolve my error I think there is problem with my VCF file not able rectify what is wrong with vcf file.
my sample vcf file enter link description here
gatk SelectVariants -select-type SNP -R Reference_genome.fa -V test.vcf.gz -O tmp.vcf -sn FVB_NJ
error htsjdk.tribble.TribbleException: The provided VCF file is malformed at approximately line number 143: 0 is an invalid filter name in vcf4,
Thanks for the ansr, Is there any way I can resolve this problem if I remove FORMAT/FT from VCF file it will create any problem or if I fill replace zero with PASS. is there any tool I want just GT and DP fileld
you can try to remove the attribute with
bctools annotate -x 'FORMAT/FT' input.vcf.gz
but again, you're working with old tools...
Okay I will update my tools, if I use the current VCF file is it okay to proceed I need GT information from VCF file