Based on what criteria we should select the genes from various organisms for comparative studies of a disease gene?
There are various organism having the disease gene as human, but how should we filter the organism containing the same gene as human? what criteria we must follow for the same?
I think you'll have to provide more details than that. Which gene or genes is it you want to analyze? In the context of which disease? Which analyses is it you want to perform on the orthologs of the disease genes from other organisms? And why is it that you need to filter them rather than use the full set?
the disease is breast cancer and the genes are related to breast cancer and i m trying to do comparative analysis of the genes which are related to breast cancer in other mammals. So, there are many organism comes in mammal category, so which organism should i precise my search?
Check the recent (from 2009 onward) papers from Ed Marcotte's group. They describe sets of genes that function in one disease (say neural crest defects) and have orthologs in plants that function, as a unit, in gravitropism (response toward gravity). So, consider the context of your breast cancer gene before you go looking for a single ortholog and try to match phenotypes in mouse or rat or dog, or yeast or a plant.
The machine matters, not the protein in that machine.
I think you'll have to provide more details than that. Which gene or genes is it you want to analyze? In the context of which disease? Which analyses is it you want to perform on the orthologs of the disease genes from other organisms? And why is it that you need to filter them rather than use the full set?
the disease is breast cancer and the genes are related to breast cancer and i m trying to do comparative analysis of the genes which are related to breast cancer in other mammals. So, there are many organism comes in mammal category, so which organism should i precise my search?