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4.2 years ago
Hello! Can you suggest any way to convert fastq file to bam file?
thx in advance.
Hello! Can you suggest any way to convert fastq file to bam file?
thx in advance.
The process is called alignment, tools for DNA-seq are usually something like bowtie2
or bwa mem
for short (Illumina) reads, minimap2
for long reads, and for RNA-seq you need a splice-aware aligner, something like STAR
or hisat2
comes to mind. Please google for the tools and read existing threads and online materials, this is probably the most fundamental task of NGS analysis and extensively described in like every beginner's tutorial.
Just google "NGS alignment tutorial", there are plenty of websites offering guidance.
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Did you want to align your reads to the genome, or just have an unaligned BAM file?
I need to upload then that bam file into IGV, so aligned