Hi there,
I have just completed the all vs. all phase of the OMA standalone program with 42 metazoan genomes. I have tried to initiate the actual orthogroup inference phase but the program keeps getting stuck indefinitely on reading the all-vs. all results.
I have double checked that each pair of species has actual all vs. all results, and received the completion message:
*** All all-vs-all jobs successfully terminated. ***
*** terminating after AllAll phase due to "-s" flag. ***
*** if you see this message at the end of one job, ***
*** this means that all jobs successfully finished. ***
As suggested, I am running the next stage as a single thread with a lot of memory (trying 160GB of RAM right now), and pretty much default parameters, but it still hangs. This most recent time I turned on a high level of debugging (-d 5) to see what was going on and it specifically gets stuck here:
{--> enter Counter, args = Number of matches discarded below MinSeqLen
<-- exit Counter = Counter(Number of matches discarded below MinSeqLen,0)}
Googling this error just brings up a lot of generic Python results.
If anyone has any insight on this error and/or whether or not this step really does just take a long time would be much appreciated. As background, running this step with a small test dataset of three organisms worked just fine.
Thanks in advance,
Sally Chang
Please use the formatting bar (especially the
option) to present your post better. You can use backticks for inline code (`text` becomestext
), or select a chunk of text and use the highlighted button to format it as a code block. I've done it for you this time.Thank you for the tip!
Tagging: adrian.altenhoff