Some standard Illumina libraries, such as Nextera, require the use of dsDNA-specific fluorescent dye methods for accurate quantification. These methods typically measure dsDNA concentration in ng/µl. To convert from ng/µl to nM for cluster generation, follow the instructions below. 1. Determine the average size of the library by running it on an Agilent Technologies 2100 Bioanalyzer. 2. Use the following formula to convert from ng/μl to nM:
( Concentration in ng/μl )
_______________________________ X 10^6 = concentration in nM
( 660 g/mol x average library size in bp )
Excuse me, I don't understand why we multiply in 660 and why 10^6 specifically?
Thanks in advance
The 660 g/mol value is the mean mass of the sodium salt of DNA (paper)
The mean (659.841 ± 0.003) g/mol value of the “Na+ Salt” in Table 3 is for equal proportions of AT and GC pairs. AT pairs typically outnumber GC pairs in a ratio of 60-to-40 [29]. The (659.743 ± 0.003) g/mol of the 60:40 weighted mean is a more appropriate estimate for genomic DNA.
Thanks a lot GenoMax for your help :)