A naive question(set of questions), how to proceed with the plotting of GO enrichment analysis from a list of peaks. There is lot of information available on the web and to me most of it is confusing. I have a list of significant binding sites such as peaks from the Macs peak caller. I used Homer analysis tool for GO enrichment and got few files namely biologicalprocess.txt, cellularcomponent.txt, molecular_function etc. How to plot these data tables in terms of bar charts or may be the more complex tools like Gelphi.
After taking the top 17-18 hits from the Biological Process file, I generated a plot something like
But if you see some terms like positive regulation of cellular process & regulation of cellular process seems to be under one category. How to deal with this, manually or there is automated system(should be).
How GoSlims are different to these. Can one convert this to GoSlims and how to proceed with that.
P.S. ReviGo is nice tool, just checked.
Leonor, I will look at it. Thanks