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4.1 years ago
I have assembled and polished the genome from long read sequences with canu and pilon respectively. I wonder if it is possible to call structural variation by comparing the contig with the reference sequence. I see that there are many tools available to detect SV using the raw reads. Does anyone have suggestions if using polished contig is possible to detect SV?
Thanks a lot. I will try minigraph. Just a question, is it preferred to use raw fastq reads for calling variants than assembled genome?
That's a matter of the assembly quality. If you have low coverage data you may also want to try mapping-based SV discovery approaches such as Sniffles or delly for long-reads.
I tried using minigraph for SV calling by comparing one assembly to reference genome. It gave me the bed file of SV. When I tried using multiple samples, the gfa file is empty. Do you have any idea? Thanks