can you suggest me which one is better?? doing mtech bioinfo/nano tech/biotech/food tech in any private university in india or doing a software job in any IT company for 1 year and then doing MS bioinformatics in USA??
can you suggest me which one is better?? doing mtech bioinfo/nano tech/biotech/food tech in any private university in india or doing a software job in any IT company for 1 year and then doing MS bioinformatics in USA??
I think you are asking the wrong question - very few people ended up where they are via a long term plan that was optimized at the level that you are asking.
In this field very few jobs/positions are similar - it all depends on the particulars of each situation. What are the long term prospects of each position that you can realistically qualify for? What is the expertise and skill set that you will be acquiring, what kind of transitions do work in your social, economic and political environment.
In general my recommendation is to not fret too much about missing the boat, just do conscientious, steady and reliable work and good things will naturally happen.
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This thread was closed since the question is not in the right place. I would seek advice from people at those schools, not the internet.
I would recommend that we keep these, but move them to either the Forum or the Jobs section. After all it is bioinformatics related question
Everyone will have their opinion in this matter. Ultimately it comes down to: what do you want?