Honestly, the past months have been overwhelm for me.
My professor in this first world country universty task me with a simple question for me to complete my PhD (due in 5 month).
"Look online for gene 'A' pathway network and come back with expression pattern of its associated genes in different type of diseases cells to identify important(hub?) proteins so we can compare with our lab mutated cell results and treatment"
And now I am totally lost how to start and what to do to proceed.
I only graduate from third world country university with minimal computational biology training. Im taking online R programming course now (I read you need to use BioConductor to analyse NGS data) but that seem to be steep learning curve for me (no worries, still climbing that hill and not going to give up yet). I read you need to use Cytoscape so you can use NGS data to make pathway. But how to download and filter and compare? And most tutorial on GSEA (this is for filtering the NGS data right?) seem to imply readers know where to get the initial inout data. And finally, what to "click" to download from NCBI Geo and what next after that?
If only somebody outhere willing to talk/guide me I will be very appreciate. Sorry for rambling.
Sincerely, Lost Soul
+1 for
Thank you for your advice and recommendation! Here are some updates on my journey.
In the end I scourge the internet for my fellow countrymen that have some knowledge about this thing. I found another PhD student doing NGS stuff. Although he does not know how to do as my complicated questions, he did teach me on how to download RNA-seq dataset, useGalaxy for processing it and save the output (I did lots of short DNA sequencing for genotyping and that knowledge helps me to understand RNA-seq data processing).
He explain to me in my language which is very helpful. "Finding local help" is very useful indeed.
With my limited R knowledge, I able to extract foldchange and p-value from the output and inserted it into a sofware called PathVisio (based on easy to understand youtube tutorial) where I can atleast visualise the DEG using user made pathway. This is a start for me and its getting interesting with just small hiccup now.
The example dataset giving to me by my professor for comparison is from microArray.
So the truggle continue....