I want to produce a BIGWIG file from a WIG one using the wigToBigWig tool provided by UCSC.
I type my script :
./wigToBigWig H3K4me1ESCRep1JWH11c.wig mm9.chrom.sizes.txt myBigWig.bw
Got the Error:
line 701578 of H3K4me1ESCRep1JWH11c.wig: chromosome chr2 has 181748087 bases, but item ends at 181748225
line 1323736 of H3K4me1ESCRep1JWH11c.wig: chromosome chr4 has 155630120 bases, but item ends at 155630325
line 1615096 of H3K4me1ESCRep1JWH11c.wig: chromosome chr7 has 152524553 bases, but item ends at 152524750
line 3011902 of H3K4me1ESCRep1JWH11c.wig: chromosome chr13 has 120284312 bases, but item ends at 120284500
line 3687123 of H3K4me1ESCRep1JWH11c.wig: chromosome chr17 has 95272651 bases, but item ends at 95272725
line 3801840 of H3K4me1ESCRep1JWH11c.wig: chromosome chr16 has 98319150 bases, but item ends at 98319250
line 3932880 of H3K4me1ESCRep1JWH11c.wig: chromosome chr19 has 61342430 bases, but item ends at 61342625
Unrecognized line 4038044 of H3K4me1ESCRep1JWH11c.wig: track visibility=dense name="1e-09_k4me1_D1R1_allButD4R1wce_enriched_regions"
I know I can insert the -clip parameter to avoid and skip those errors, but, where/what exactly should I insert it in the script?
Best regards and thank you for your time!
I think you may be missing
at the very end to make the syntax correct.I would rather find out why there is a discrepancy between the chromsizes and the wig file. You are sure it is mm9 and not mm10? The error indicates a problem and just ignoring it would probably be not so smart. In the worst case you are using the wrong reference genome.
mm9 it is correct yes
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