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3.9 years ago
Hi all,
I was using online eggnog-mapper (http://eggnog-mapper.embl.de)
to annotate a list of bacterial genes. But I found only 11 out of 2315 genes were successfully annotated to GO terms. All genes had hit on eggNOG ortholog. I don't why only few genes had GO term. Any explain or suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Hi Zhang,
How many genes have been assigned to KEGG orthology (KO)?
1210 out of 2315 can be assigned to KEGG_ko
At least we know that your protein are assigned to OG with a functional annotation term (KO). It could be that none of the OG have a GO term. One way to assign GO to your proteins is to use the standalone version of InterproScan
Hi. I was also looking to annotate my transcriptome (genome-guided). I used InterproScan + pannzer2, and extracted the GO annotations from only pannzer. Just out of curiosity, using InterproScan wouldn't mean most of my GO terms will belong to the MF category? Thx in advance
I never checked this but it should give you back all the GO terms (MF, BP, and CC) associated to that particular protein; see: IPR001095 (bottom page)