Hello friends, I recently analysed a RNA-Seq data and yielded DEGs using DESeq2. Everything was fine until I figured out that on applying P value 0.05, i am left with 1,700 DEGs whereas on considering and applying Padj 0.05, I am left with only 127 DEGs??? isn't this surprising ? How can there be such a huge difference in number of significant data on just considering adj P value?
Thank you to anyone who can afford any little energy and time to guide me. I am stuck!!
Check the expression of your DEG. The ones with a robust expression give more robust statistics (padj). Does this mean that the lesser expressed genes aren't differentially expressed? No, but we can't assure it statistically. A way of dealing with this issue is by adding more replicates (look for more experiments in public databases like GEO)
Thank you for your reply