I have installed the Repeatmodeler v2 singularity container as a Dfam TE Tools which includes RepeatMasker and I have merged the RepBase library to the RMasker library using below instruction:
> # Navigate to an appropriate directory that is persistent outside the container $ cd /work
> # Make a copy of RepeatMasker's Libraries directory here $ cp -r /opt/RepeatMasker/Libraries/ ./
> # Extract RepBase (the .tar.gz file unpacks files into Libraries/) $ tar -x -f /work/path/to/RepBaseRepeatMaskerEdition-#######.tar.gz
> # Run the 'addRepBase.pl' script (part of the RepeatMasker package) to merge the databases,
> # specifying the custom Libraries directory. $ addRepBase.pl -libdir Libraries/
> # Run RepeatMasker with the LIBDIR environment variable set $ export LIBDIR=/path/to/Libraries
then inside the singularity shell, I built the database and ran the repeatmodeler on a non-model fly:
BuildDatabase -name monCan3F9 monCan3F9.fa
RepeatModeler -database monCan3F9 -pa 40 -LTRStruct
now I would like to merge the repeatmodeler output "monCan3F9-families.fa" with the Drosophila library before running the repeatmasker, how should I do that? I tried the command "queryRepeatDatabase" but it was not recognized