Hi. I just found this script on Researchgate (https://www.researchgate.net/post/How-can-I-estimate-the-GC-content-of-a-genome) to get the GC content from fasta files (all the rights of this script go to Jennifer Meneghin, July 23, 2009), but I don't know clearly how to run it. I use Windows 10 x64 and I downloaded the Pearl interpreter (strawberry-perl- I run it through cmd on windows, executing the .pl file but I don't know how to input the secuences. I'm kind of new in this bioinformatics and scripts world, so any help would be appreciated. This the header of the script.
If your using windows, it's better to use the windows subsystem for linux (WSL) in general so that you can run linux (almost natively) on windows.
I would also recommend seqtk comp or seqkit fx2tab as alternatives.
Thank you so much, I will take a look to it.