I have a spreadsheet that I intend to analyze using the edgeR package. Usually the number of samples is small, so I use a script that looks like this:
mydata <- as.matrix (read.table (mydata, header = TRUE, sep = "\ t", row.names = 1, as.is = TRUE))
libSizes <- as.vector (colSums (mydata))
groups <- c ("CTRL", "CTRL", "CTRL", "WW", "WW", "WW")
d <- DGEList (counts = mydata, group = factor (groups), lib.size = libSizes)
d <- calcNormFactors (d)
d1 <- estimateCommonDisp (d, verbose = T)
d1 <- estimateTagwiseDisp (d1)
fit = glmFit (d1)
result <-glmLRT (fit)
However, now I have a total of 1200 samples, divided into two groups: CTRL (n = 518) and INF (n = 582).
When I apply the step to create the group vector, the program returns the "+" sign, as if it were not able to store so many values.
Can someone help me?
Thank you
Thank you so much for your answer, Gordon!
I will adopt the limma to do my analysis.