I'm trying to annotate a meta-genome assembly. I used eggnog-mapper version 2.0.1 which apparently only allow diamond mapping, hmmer based mapping is deprecated. The output annotations file contain a list of possible homology groups but it doesn't give the best OG. The documentation says that the best OG will only be given when using hmmer. Any idea how to get this data? Thanks
Here is an output line for example:
#query_name seed_eggNOG_ortholog seed_ortholog_evalue seed_ortholog_score best_tax_level Preferred_name GOs EC KEGG_ko KEGG_Pathway KEGG_Module KEGG_Reaction KEGG_rclass BRITE KEGG_TC CAZy BiGG_Reaction taxonomic scope eggNOG OGs best eggNOG OG COG Functional cat. eggNOG free text desc.
AONAOMJJ_00001 1235796.C815_00390 4.6e-158 564.3 Firmicutes capA ko:K07282 ko00000 Bacteria 1UCFI@1239,COG2843@1,COG2843@2 NA|NA|NA M enzyme of poly-gamma-glutamate biosynthesis (Capsule formation)
just ranting, but why is hmmer still the default option then let alone even listed in the arguments. I get a lot of headaches from trying emapper
were you able to get these desired results with eggnog? I'm stuck on it