Im using R 4.0.3, Mac and windows(both) updated, and Rnbeads produces an error shown below on idat files of infinium methylation 450K array data. I have installed all required assembly package ("RnBeads.hg19","RnBeads.hg38","RnBeads.mm9","RnBeads.mm10") from biomanager on my system, there is no overwrite on my output directory and I have read the manual.
1.1 STATUS STARTED RnBeads Pipeline
1.1 INFO Analysis Title: RnBeads Analysis
1.1 INFO Initialized report index and saved to index.html
1.1 STATUS STARTED Loading Data
1.1 INFO Number of cores: 1
1.1 INFO Loading data of type "idat.dir"
1.1 STATUS STARTED Loading Data from IDAT Files
1.1 ERROR Some IDAT files are not present in the supplied base directory, for instance 3999356163_R01C01_Red.idat, 3999356163_R01C01_Grn.idat, 3999356163_R02C01_Red.idat, 3999356163_R02C01_Grn.idat, 3999356163_R03C01_Red.idat, 3999356163_R03C01_Grn.idat
Warning: Error in logger.error: Some IDAT files are not present in the supplied base directory, for instance 3999356163_R01C01_Red.idat, 3999356163_R01C01_Grn.idat, 3999356163_R02C01_Red.idat, 3999356163_R02C01_Grn.idat, 3999356163_R03C01_Red.idat, 3999356163_R03C01_Grn.idat 84: stop 83: logger.error 82: rnb.error 81: read.idat.files 80: rnb.execute.import 79: rnb.step.import 78: 77: 73: observeEventHandler [C:\Users\toshiba\Documents\R\win-library\4.0\RnBeads\extdata\RnBeadsDJ/app.R#2373] 2: shiny::runApp 1:
Any contribution is greatly appreciated.