I decided to use corr.test to calculate the correlation between genes.
And I know the input object must be a matrix or dataframe. But I don't think it's a vital part for me to pay attention to.
Now what confuses me is I don't know which kind of normalized gene expression matrix is suitable for corr.test. I think the FPKM gene counts after t() is suitable before. But I don't think so after somebody told me something about vst-transformed counts ?
Can somebody give me some advice ? Now I have the FPKM value and corr.test .If I need to change my normalization method ?
Vary thankful.
I have several datasets and all of them were dealt with Galaxy and got the raw gene expression counts. And then,I merged them together. Now I want to know the correlation between genes. I know it can't be raw gene expression counts that to used in corr.test. And normalization is necessary. But I don't know which kind of normalization is suitable for corr.test. So can you give me some suitable advice ? Am I making myself clear ?