I have few human genome, it's paired end 151bp. I have 74 samples divided in 8 (4*2) fastq for each (592 files in total). I want to know which aligner is the best ? It's seem difficult to choose... I work on an hpc with this technical information:
Nodes 32 Physical cores 420 Maximum cores number per node 64 RAM 2,5 To Maximum RAM per node 256Go Graphical processors GPU Node 1 GPU 4 (Tesla K80) Cuda cores 19968 RAM 128 Go
Thanks a lot and sorry for this "general" question, it's the first time i do this...
Thanks a lot. And an other (maybe stupid) question : There is a real diffence (mostly in term of speed) beetween :
bwa mem .... > output.sam | samtools view... output.bam
Bwa mem... output.sam
Samtools view ... output.bam
Rm output.sam
...is the most common syntax as this gives sorted files right away which you need for most downstream application. Don't direct files to disk with
if you pipe, that negates the purpose of a pipe.I would just go with bwa mem, nobody will question that, it is arguably the most commonly used aligner and will in all likelihood serve you well.