I have 8 samples and paired-end methyl-seq
data for all of them. I have a serious problem with alignment of these files. when I aligned as paired-end (R1 and R2 together), the alignment rate is 4-5 % but if I align each file separately (R1 and R2 separately), the alignment rate would be at least 70 %. I have checked everything including the reference file to make sure there is no mistake. I also tried different aligners and different parameters but got similar results. for sure, the problem happened in the lab when processing the samples or during the sequencing. I have no idea in which step the problem happened. do you have any idea what could be the problem?
You would need some details. Which tools, which command lines. Organism etc.
@ATpoint: I used bismark and data is from Pork.
bismark --quiet --bowtie2 --multicore 12 -n 1 /bismark_aln/genomes/ -1 bone.lane7.R1_val_1.fq.gz -2 bone.lane7.R2_val_2.fq.gz