Dear community members,
I have 12 Nanostring samples from lymph nodes biopsy on 12 different patients. These 12 samples have 2 pathology types and 2 treatment types. Both pathology and treatment are known to affect RNA expression. I am hoping to exam differently expressed genes between two pathologies and also between two treatments. My question is that, when I am running differential expression analysis on DESeq2, should I : (1) include both treatment and pathology in the design formula (this is with Design = ~treatment + pathology, and to include all12 patients in the comparison) ? (2) alternatively, should I only include one factor in the design formula, but stratify samples when doing comparison (for example with Design = ~pathology, I will do DE analysis for the 6 patients with treatment A, then do another analysis for the rest 6 patients with treatment B).
The reason why I am even thinking about the second approach, is because I was told that my study is not designed for 2 factor comparison. However I personally feel the first approach would be good enough.
Deeply appreciate any assistance!
Can you show your design ? Something like:
Thank you for the kind response Carlo. The design looks like this:
Sorry I actually got 13 samples. These are clinical samples so not balanced in terms of treatment and pathology distribution.
Many thanks!