BiŌkeanós is an open biomedical database catalogue and discovery tool.
It concentrates on open datasets in natural and health sciences from multiple sources. From cell biology, chemistry, protein and molecule structure and classification through pathways, side and adverse effects, omics, to anonymised medical information and clinical standards.
It merges the results with our private curated collection, reconciles the records, and augments them with information extracted from the scientific literature. It navigates the researchers through the available datasets, helps them identify those important for their work, and facilitate their acquisition.
- Over 5000 sources
- Refreshed weekly
- Recommendations of similar datasources
- Heuristic-based ranking to discover the most useful data in a given domain
- Licensing information
- References to other gateways records containing additional data
(*) - to our knowledge
Any feedback you may be willing to share have would be very valuable for improving this resource.