I have some issues with bedtools genomecov. My goal is to produce bedgraph outputs from bed files using bedtools genomecov. With bed files as input, it requires a genome file. I got it from uscs table browser. It is a tab-delimitated file with 3 columns : chr / size / filename I removed the third one and the first line that contains the names of the column but I get an error message from bedtools :
". Exiting...illegal number" 32079331
32079331 is the size of the first chromosome When I add an empty column using tabulation after 32079331, then it recognises the first chromosome but not the following one. So I added an empty column after each chromosome. When It comes to the last one however, I get another error message :
Unexpected file format. Please use tab-delimited BED, GFF, or VSF. Perhaps you have non-intger starts or ends.
I changed the format from .genome to .bed but it does not change anything.. I don't understand. I hope someone can help. Thank you very much in advance!
what is the output of
head your.bed
file your.bed
Here are the outputs. There was a mistake in chromosome name... In one file, called chr3R in the other 3R. Now it seems to work except that the tool encounters problem line 7. No idea what that line means and where it comes from.
I am wondering why I had to add a tabulation after each line of the genome file to make it work?
not a bed line:
Yes, I do not know where it comes from.. I will start from new. Maybe I did a mistake at some point.
Thank you!
unmapped read ?
Yes, that's what I thought too, so i am now running bowtie2 again with --no-unal option.