I have a chip-seq experiment in which the number of read is rather low (~10M per sample). However, most qc parameters show that the chip efficiency is not bad. So we have decided to resequence the same samples again. My question is what would be the best approach to combine the new data with the existing one? Would I just treat the new data as a technical replicate and merge the fastqs/bams together? Or would I treat it as a biological replicate and account for batch effect when using edgeR for differential analysis between my conditions?
(also a sort of unrelated question I have is that I have noticed that in most of my chip-seq experiments, the input sample always has more reads than the treatment samples and I was wondering if this is normal or just something random).
Thanks. I was also planning to merge the bams.
My libraries are prepared by a core facility but I assume they aim for an equal ratio. My next question would have been if I can ask them to add more of the treatment sample but you already answered it. As you said the input is important but I would rather have a some extra reads in my treatment samples. I have noticed that the input almost always has ~20% more reads than my chip samples.