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3.8 years ago
I uploaded my file with 800 samples and 24368 genes as mixture in cibersort. When I'm executing the cibersort, it gives following error:
Errors found in file dare_devil_data:
There are missing/invalid data points on line(s):
1136 1246 1325 24369
data present in line 1135, 1136, 1137
CD299155 5.811753045 5.912369276 5.722461877
TMPRSS7 5.526562877 4.994386556 5.220927718
KRTAP2-2 5.195005553 5.266481855 5.091549913
data present in line 1245, 1246 , 1247
AJ292264 5.840011828 6.081866372 5.636046351
SLC25A19 6.69308641 6.117585334 6.334975271
DDIT4L 8.77241093 6.221155294 6.683983895
Could the same name be used multiple times? Maybe try:
I checked this, there are no duplicate entries in the gene list
There are four columns in the lower but only three in the upper example.
@ ATpoint
There are about
columns. I just mentioned few columns from the position.