I performed RNA-seq analysis on 8 samples(2 control and 6 samples) . I used featureCounts function (Rsubread package) to count the number of reads. I found that Number of assigned reads were very poor. I am attaching the table here for your reference. I used following function:
fc<- featureCounts(annot$Sample,isPairedEnd=TRUE, GTF.attrType = "transcript_id",GTF.featureType="exon", annot.ext = "GCF_000203855.3_ASM20385v3_genomic.gtf", nthreads = 3, isGTFAnnotationFile = TRUE)
I do not understand why assignment% is low, when alignment % is found higher. Can anyone help me think of possible reasons for why I'm getting such low values for assignment?
Thanks a lot. Parin
check if multi-mapped reads are counted or not and use correct strandedness. Talk to the core and check if ribodepletion worked for all the samples.
can you post the alignment summary metrics for example like this
I figured out that using GTF.featureType="exon" is giving low assignment %, If I use GTF.featureType="CDS", the assignment % is increasing as shown here. I cannot decide which feature type should I use. I read some answers 1 2 and found that any one can be used. Kindly share some information regarding use of exon or CDS.
This is subjective - pertaining to questions asked in the experiment
Still confused about exons versus CDS