I have a GWAS summary statistics file with SNPs and indels positions, and I'd like to get their rsIDs. My .txt file has the following format:
8 101592213 T C
8 106973048 A G
8 108690829 T G
8 103128181 D I
8 104098842 I D
... ... ... ...
where CHR is the specific chromosome, BP is the chromosome start position of variants, A1 and A2 are reference and alternative alleles. For indels, the .txt file reports D (=deletion) and I(=insertion) symbols for A1 and A2.
Once in R,I created a new dataframe by adding a new column with end positions, which are the same of the start positions. So, the dataframe has the following aspect:
CHR chr_start chr_end A1 A2
8 101592213 101592213 T C
8 106973048 106973048 A G
8 108690829 108690829 T G
8 103128181 103128181 D I
8 104098842 104098842 I D
... ... ... ... ...
Then, I run the following commands in R:
###commands to install biomaRt
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
#loading biomaRt
#creating mart object to search in ensembl
snp_mart <- useMart(biomart="ENSEMBL_MART_SNP", host="grch37.ensembl.org",
path="/biomart/martservice", dataset="hsapiens_snp")
#creating initial storage vector
results <- c()
###loop for getting rsIDs
for (snp in 1:dim(ds1)[1]) {
###ds1 is the object name of the SNP file
temp <- getBM(attributes = c('refsnp_id', 'allele', 'chrom_start'),
filters = c('chr_name', 'start', 'end'),
values = list(ds1[snp,1], ds1[snp, 2], ds1[snp, 3]),
mart = snp_mart)
ds1[snp, 4] <- snp
ds1[snp, 5] <- temp[snp, 1]
# Store SNP file index row next to each answer
results <- rbind(results, temp)
The output of this script is the following:
refsnp_id allele chrom_start
rs62513865 C/T 101592213
rs79643588 G/A 106973048
rs17396518 T/C/G 108690829
... ... ...
This script seems that does not work for indels of my .txt file. I'm supposing it does not work since I created the end positions column, in which end positions are the same of start positions also for indels, and this should not be correct. However, I did it because I found as possible filters for my getBM function 'chr_name', 'start' and 'end', where 'end' is known for SNPs, since end and start positions are identical, but I have no further information about indels position, apart from start positions.
Could someone help me in finding rsIDs for indels by improving getBM function in R, or by using a different strategy?
Thank u!!!