Hi All, I have a featurecount output row counts and need to convert them to FPKM. I knew about the countToFPKM package, however, the description of the package says its for paired end RNA seq data. My data are single end. Could I still use this package? and if not could you please suggest an easy way to do it?
The reason I need to convert from row counts to FPKM is to perform ssGSEA analyses on gene pattern. Thanks.
Does the FPKM metric apply to SE data? What would be the difference between RPKM and FPKM in the context of SE data?
It sounds that yes the FPKM needs paired end. So I may need to convert my single end data to RPKM, any easy idea how I can do that? Thanks.
What have you tried? Have you searched online for "get RPKM from raw counts"?
I was thinking of using countToFPKM package but it says it works for paired end reads, I am not sure if I could also use it for single end reads.
So you searched for "get RPKM from counts" and the only thing you see is the countToFPKM package?
Is featurecounts going to do FPKM right? Don't you need something like Kallisto or RSEM that understands how the different transcripts are proportioned?