Hello everyone, I am trying to download multiple fastq files using SRA toolkit. while some of the files were downloaded successfully, some showed error as:
2021-02-25T19:17:50 fasterq-dump.2.10.4 err: cmn_iter.c cmn_read_String( #794965 ).VCursorCellDataDirect() -> RC(rcPS,rcCondition,rcWaiting,rcTimeout,rcExhausted)
2021-02-25T19:17:51 fasterq-dump.2.10.4 err: cmn_iter.c cmn_read_String( #687977 ).VCursorCellDataDirect() -> RC(rcPS,rcCondition,rcWaiting,rcTimeout,rcExhausted)
2021-02-25T19:17:51 fasterq-dump.2.10.4 err: cmn_iter.c cmn_read_uint8_array( #915768 ).VCursorCellDataDirect() -> RC(rcPS,rcCondition,rcWaiting,rcTimeout,rcExhausted)
2021-02-25T19:17:51 fasterq-dump.2.10.4 err: row #915768 : READ.len(200) != QUALITY.len(0) (D)
2021-02-25T19:17:51 fasterq-dump.2.10.4 fatal: SIGNAL - Segmentation fault
fasterq-dump (PID 24285) quit with error code 1
What might be the reason for this error. Also if any apt alternative could be provided.
any help would be highly appreciated. Thank you
could be a network issue, try again or fetch fro ENA