I get the data table of GPL16110 from GEO.
There is no information about the 'symbol', and I don't know how to convert the ID to gene symbol.
The only information I can get are "ID, Chr, Position, GC Score, SNP_ID, SPOT_ID", and the column of "ID" is the same with the column of "SPOT_ID".
The head of the Data table is below:
|ID |Chr|Position |GC Score |SNP_ID|SPOT_ID |
|GA008510| Y |13311305|0.5193345 | |GA008510|
|GA008524| Y |21152701|0.5739997 | |GA008524|
|GA008529| Y |21154004|0.4872587 | |GA008529|
|GA008532| Y |28463253|0.5228286 | |GA008532|
|GA026677| Y |2722814 |0.00656162| |GA026677|
|GA026703| Y |13324571|0.4636189 | |GA026703|
|GA026708| Y |15053296|0.02973483| |GA026708|
The description shows that
Chr: Chromosome on which the probe is located
Position: Position of the probe on chromosome
I wanna try to seek the gene symbol in the Database "hg19" from "genome-mysql.soe.ucsc.edu" by using the value of "Chr" and "Position".
So I use
select distinct name2 from refGene where chrom="chrY" and txStart>=28463253 and txEnd<=28463253;
to find the probe "GA008532"
But the result is
Empty set (0.31 sec)
How can I convert the probe into Gene symbol?
Thank you very much!
I just cleaned up your post. Please don't separate "tags" using spaces, use Enter/Return instead.
Thank you very much. At beginning I was puzzled that the post edit is too clean. With no toolbar at all and when I use "Enter" to separate the "tags", the web page is just submitting the post. And the format of post changes. So I guess maybe the post just use the "Markdown" grammar to write. Then I learn to use "Markdown" to fix the post.
After I see your comment, and I cannot click the "Add reply" buttom, I realized that maybe for my bad network that block some URL. Now I use the VPNs to surf the website. It seems work well.
Thank you for ur help.
Ahh, I'm guessing you're in China/Iran - users there have reported problems with certain website features. Sorry for my curt comment and please let me know if I can help some more.
Never mind. We should abey the rules in any forums. I am not familiar with it, so I will try my best to learn it.