I have a file with the following format -
Name,Age,"City, Country",Profession
I want to make tis a tab separated file, but while ignoring the commas contained within the quotes with the output file looking like -
Name Age "City,Country" Profession
Mitch 27 "Melbourne,Australia" Student
John 31 "Boston,USA", Chef
Since I could not get a solution, I converted my file to tab delimited and then tried to revert it using sed with sed 's/"*'\t'*"/"*,*"/g'
in order to identify the quotes that contained any text followed by tab, then text again ending with quotes, and replace the tab with a comma, but what this gives me is
Mitch 27 "*,*"Melbourne Australia"*,*" Student
Thanks in advance.
is this an xy problem?
Thanks for your response, but I feel my question was not clear enough.
When the raw file (.csv) is used, I want to replace all commas (except for the ones in quotes) by tab. In the last part, I mentioned that I converted the csv file entirely to a tab-delimited file, and then tried to convert "Melbourne Australia" to "Melbourne,Australia" which is not working.
Please post exact input and expected output.
The input file has over 700 lines, so I am just putting up the header followed by 2 lines -
The expected output is -