Hi everyone,
I just run Trinotate on a bunch of genomic sequences. The output excel file has two columns called 'prot_id' and 'prot_coords'
1.Can someone please explain what these two attributes mean?
2.Why does same sequence (gene_id) has several prot_ids and prot_coords?
gene_id transcript_id prot_id prot_coords
g_chr2:46269181-46273695 chr2:46269181-46273695 . . chr2:46269181-46273695.p2 254-700[+]
g_chr2:46269181-46273695 chr2:46269181-46273695 . . chr2:46269181-46273695.p5 3989-4381[+]
g_chr2:46269181-46273695 chr2:46269181-46273695 . . chr2:46269181-46273695.p3 1332-1769[+]
g_chr2:46269181-46273695 chr2:46269181-46273695 . . chr2:46269181-46273695.p1 2774-3259[+]
g_chr2:46269181-46273695 chr2:46269181-46273695 . . chr2:46269181-46273695.p4 3567-3965[-]