How can I transfer the output gff3 of the Braker2 ab initio gene annotation pipeline to a valid EMBL flat file that I can submit to to ENA?
I tried using EMBLmyGFF3 (https://github.com/NBISweden/EMBLmyGFF3). To tool seems working fine, but the BRAKER gff3 seems to be non-standard and I am always getting error mesasges like:
13:59:52 WARNING feature: Partial CDS. The CDS with ID=g5848.t1.braker.CDS2 not a multiple of three.
This is the part of the braker2 gff3 it refers to:
scaffold_001 AUGUSTUS gene 2081205 2082079 1 + . ID=g5848.braker; scaffold_001 AUGUSTUS mRNA 2081205 2082079 1 + . ID=g5848.t1.braker;Parent=g5848.braker scaffold_001 AUGUSTUS start_codon 2081205 2081207 . + 0 Parent=g5848.t1.braker; scaffold_001 AUGUSTUS CDS 2081205 2081252 1 + 0 ID=g5848.t1.braker.CDS1;Parent=g5848.t1 scaffold_001 AUGUSTUS exon 2081205 2081252 . + . ID=g5848.t1.braker.exon1;Parent=g5848.t1; scaffold_001 AUGUSTUS intron 2081253 2081594 1 + . Parent=g5848.t1.braker; scaffold_001 AUGUSTUS CDS 2081595 2081656 1 + 0 ID=g5848.t1.braker.CDS2;Parent=g5848.t1 scaffold_001 AUGUSTUS exon 2081595 2081656 . + . ID=g5848.t1.braker.exon2;Parent=g5848.t1; scaffold_001 AUGUSTUS intron 2081657 2081747 1 + . Parent=g5848.t1.braker; scaffold_001 AUGUSTUS CDS 2081748 2081820 1 + 1 ID=g5848.t1.braker.CDS3;Parent=g5848.t1 scaffold_001 AUGUSTUS exon 2081748 2081820 . + . ID=g5848.t1.braker.exon3;Parent=g5848.t1; scaffold_001 AUGUSTUS intron 2081821 2081890 1 + . Parent=g5848.t1.braker; scaffold_001 AUGUSTUS CDS 2081891 2082079 1 + 0 ID=g5848.t1.braker.CDS4;Parent=g5848.t1 scaffold_001 AUGUSTUS exon 2081891 2082079 . + . ID=g5848.t1.braker.exon4;Parent=g5848.t1; scaffold_001 AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2082077 2082079 . + 0 Parent=g5848.t1.braker;
I am basically getting this error for all genes...
Any suggestions are highly appreciated.
You might also try GAG (https://github.com/genomeannotation/GAG) followed by tbl2asn (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/tbl2asn2/) to try and submit to NCBI, but you will probably still get the same warnings
Thank you very much. I will give it a try on the latest annotation...