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4.0 years ago
Hello everyone,
I am trying to merge about [700 ATAC seq][1] bigwig files together and calculate mean read counts in all intervals. these bigwig files are already normalized , however intervals are not the same in every file. I was wondering if I could calculate read counts in intervals ( coverages) using UCSC bigWigMerge
Thank you
Yes, I think so. Have you tried it ?
simply add read counts in intervals or does it report the mean read count ?By default, it reports the sum, but there are other options.
I usually use
bedtools unionbedg
for this, but it requires to first make bedGraphs from bigwig, and then convert back to bigwig. Still, the easiest solution I came across so far. A: Compute average score across multiple bed filesDeeptools bigwigcompare allows many different operations (log2, ratio, subtract, add, mean, reciprocal_ratio, first, second), along with the optional use of pseudocounts and/or scaling. This is my favorite tool to play with bigwigs.
But that only goes for two files, does it?
oh yes you are right
pt.taklifi Do you really have 700 bigwigs? What kind of experiment is that, it sounds excessive. Not sure how tools that exist will handle such loads of data.
Hi , ATpoint! Im sorry i was not clear about this. There are 796 ATACseq samples from different cancers and I want to merge all samples from a specific cancer with each other, for example I will merge 141 breast cancer bigwigs with each other. after that I will use mean signal intensity for my project