Dear all,
I processed raw methylation data using minfi and methylation array analysis libraries and finally came to a point that after I fit my model I get the up and down-regulated probes between different subgroups of my cancer.
``` fit2 <-,contmatrix)
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
#Number of Differentially methylated CpG sites at FDR 5%
a1 <- summary(decideTests(fit2))
This gives an output of probes that are up or down-regulated in my 5 different subgroups as follows output
Now my question is, how can I extract all these differentially expressed probes? Can I use them directly to plot a heatmap or are there some other steps that need to be carried out? I tried using topTable() and it gave out all the probes arranged with the most significant p-values, however, when I try to plot the top 10 or 100 probes I get a memory error from the heatmap. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance
heatmap for differential expressed genes
For multiple coefficients:
Thank you so much for your feedback!