Hi all, I have encounter some problem while trying to trim with cutadapt.
After trimming of the adaptor sequence and running fastqc, I got a warning for overrepresenting sequences:
Count: 55673
Percentage: 0.12298334311639213
I then do another round of cutadapt to remove the "G"s and I got an overrepresenting sequences that shows up empty, with count of 88854, and percentage of 0.19600626265311266.
Then, I tried trimming the original sequence again with trimgalore, and basically got the same overrepresenting sequence warning as the first cutadapt attempt, showing many "G"s.
My question is, what have I done wrongly with the cutadapt? And whether I should trust the results from trimgalore?
0.12298334311639213% => just ignore it, it is barely an issue.