Chip-data which I have mapped with the recent Mus_musculus.v103 from ensembl, I wanted blacklisted region for this genome because of coordinate may vary in different genome version can not use older version of blacklisted regions. Suggest me which genome genome will be better that I can complete my analysis any link or suggestions will be better Thank you
currently I am planing to use mm10 genome from encode the script provided bash download_genome_data.sh mm10 mm10
which will give both reference and blacklisted region
for this I have to realign so.... suggest me any possibility I can get the latest blacklisted regions
Thank you
Thank you for the reply.. Okay I will use mm10 from encode.
It is just waaaay more convenient, the new reference genome is not yet established enough and I doubt you will gain anything by using it, make your life easy(er) use mm10 indeed.