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3.7 years ago
The first few lines of my file look like this
Gene adj.P.Val
ENSDARG00000087345 1.39E-128
ENSDARG00000058371 5.68E-50
ENSDARG00000026403 1.77E-48
ENSDARG00000006427 2.36E-48
ENSDARG00000041381 8.10E-39
ENSDARG00000071601 1.81E-33
ENSDARG00000054191 2.73E-32
ENSDARG00000098488 5.67E-31
ENSDARG00000076129 2.31E-29.
I wanted to perform the KEGG enrichment test for selected genes in ZebraFIsh.
Code snippets used are
# Pull all pathways for AT
pathways.list <- keggList("pathway", "dre")
# Pull all genes for each pathway
pathway.codes <- sub("path:", "", names(pathways.list))
genes.by.pathway <- sapply(pathway.codes,
pw <- keggGet(pwid)
if (is.null(pw[[1]]$GENE)) return(NA)
pw2 <- pw[[1]]$GENE[c(TRUE,FALSE)] # may need to modify this to c(FALSE, TRUE) for other organisms
pw2 <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(pw2, split = ";", fixed = T), function(x)x[1]))
My dataframe is read as DE.table <- read.delim(df, stringsAsFactors = F)
geneList <- DE.table$P.Value
names(geneList) <- DE.table$Gene
# Wilcoxon test for each pathway
pVals.by.pathway <- t(sapply(names(genes.by.pathway),
function(pathway) {
pathway.genes <- genes.by.pathway[[pathway]]
list.genes.in.pathway <- intersect(names(geneList), pathway.genes)
list.genes.not.in.pathway <- setdiff(names(geneList), list.genes.in.pathway)
scores.in.pathway <- geneList[list.genes.in.pathway]
scores.not.in.pathway <- geneList[list.genes.not.in.pathway]
if (length(scores.in.pathway) > 0){
p.value <- wilcox.test(scores.in.pathway, scores.not.in.pathway, alternative = "less")$p.value
} else{
p.value <- NA
return(c(p.value = p.value, Annotated = length(list.genes.in.pathway)))
# Assemble output table
outdat <- data.frame(pathway.code = rownames(pVals.by.pathway))
outdat$pathway.name <- pathways.list[outdat$pathway.code]
outdat$p.value <- pVals.by.pathway[,"p.value"]
outdat$Annotated <- pVals.by.pathway[,"Annotated"]
outdat <- outdat[order(outdat$p.value),]
The output is like this pathway.code pathway.name p.value Annotated
1 dre00010 <NA> NA 0
2 dre00020 <NA> NA 0
3 dre00030 <NA> NA 0
4 dre00040 <NA> NA 0
and what is expected is
pathway.code pathway.name p.value Annotated
109 ath03010 <NA> 5.378589e-35 301
96 ath00966 <NA> 1.517953e-06 24
131 ath04141 <NA> 5.032367e-06 189
10 ath00071 <NA> 8.804424e-06 45
110 ath03013 <NA> 2.771177e-04 155
56 ath00592 <NA> 1.097775e-03 3
the expected data is built with respect to the Arabidopsis database and my database of interest is Zebrafish. Preferably pathway name inclusion will also be helpful.