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3.9 years ago
I have a list of long non coding RNA
I need a standard 12-column format of them
How I can provide this?
Bed would look like
chr1 895966 901099 NM_198317 0 + 896073 900571 0 12 214,260,122,222,117,214,145,168,89,74,182,757, 0,706,1042,1239,1768,2117,2522,2750,3333,3520,3762,4376,
Thank you for any help
you can download lncRNA db gtf from here and convert gtf to bed using bedops.
Hi, which desired format is this (is there a name?; from where did you find it?). In which format is your input data?
I'm guessing he wants to convert lncRNAs to BED 12 format, not a trivial task to automate (it certainly wasn't for circular RNAs)
Start with a BED 6 file, you must at the very least find the genomic coordinates of your lncRNA. You will also need a reference GTF file - filter out biotypes that are not associated with lncRNA biogenesis in your GTF file.
bedtools intersect
with your BED 6 file and filtered GTF file (force perfect overlaps and strand-s -f 1.00
). You will now have a GTF file with all overlapping biotypes in the lncRNAs region.gtfToGenePred
to convert the GTF file to a genepred file.genePredToBed
to convert the genepred to a bed 12 file.disregard, OP only wants to find out if lncRNA is coding :/
Thank you Kevin
This program can tells if something is coding or not
Which need either a fasta format or bed
I have a list of long non coding RNAs which I want to know which one is coding
For this software I need to get a bed or fasta format of these genes
This is my lncRNA list
Thank you for any help
For BED you need chromosomal coordinates for your lncRNAs, in the order
chromosome | start_pos | end_pos | name
. Only the first three columns out of a possible 12 are required.You just need to know which is coding and non-coding?
I have already the coordinates of my lncRNA like
I put this in the program but gave error