Hello all,
I attempted to run a PRS analysis and received the error:
84489606 variant(s) not found in previous data
0 variant(s) included
Error: No vairant remained!
I think it is because of the differing format between my base and target data:
22 chr22:10510227:A:G 0 10510227 G A
rs ref alt pval effref info chr pos reffrq N
rs10 A C 0.9576 -5e-04 1 7 92383888 0.0596 500199
How can I remove the chr:position:allele format in the target bim file? I believe I need awk print but not entirely sure how to produce this code. Google was no help.
I wonder if the rs snp format in the base data is also causing this error. If so, how can I add the rs format to my target data or remove the rs format from my base data.
Thank you immensely!
Do you want to remove the chr:position:allele format completely?