Tutorial:Methylation Analysis Tutorial in R_part2
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4.4 years ago

Differential variability analysis

Rather than testing for DMCs and DMRs, we may be interested in testing for differences between group variances. This could be quite helpful for feature selection in ML-based projects. In this situation, you may prefer to select variables that show great differences between groups.

#__________________________Differential variability_________________#
fitvar <- varFit(mval, design = design, coef = c(1,2))

# Summary of differential variability

topDV <- topVar(fitvar)
# Top 10 differentially variable CpGs between old vs. newborns

# visualization
# get beta values for ageing data
sapply(rownames(topDV)[1:10], function(cpg){
  plotCpg(bval, cpg=cpg, pheno= clinical$paper_Histologic.grade, 
          ylab = "Beta values")

## if you got this error: Error in plot.new() : figure margins too large 
#Do the following and try again:

enter image description here

Integrated analysis

###gene expression data download and analysis
## expression data
query.exp <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-BLCA",
                      platform = "Illumina HiSeq",
                      data.category = "Gene expression",
                      data.type = "Gene expression quantification", 
                      file.type = "results",
                      legacy = TRUE)
GDCdownload(query.exp,  method = "api")
dat<- GDCprepare(query = query.exp, save = TRUE, save.filename = "blcaExp.rda")

rna <-assay(dat)
clinical.exp = data.frame(colData(dat))

# find what we have for grade
#High Grade  Low Grade         ND 
#384         21                3 
table(clinical.exp$paper_Histologic.grade, clinical.exp$paper_mRNA.cluster)

# Get rid of ND and NA samples, normal samples

clinical.exp <- clinical.exp[(clinical.exp$paper_Histologic.grade == "High Grade" | 
                        clinical.exp$paper_Histologic.grade == "Low Grade"), ]
clinical.exp$paper_Histologic.grade[clinical.exp$paper_Histologic.grade == "High Grade"] <- "High_Grade"
clinical.exp$paper_Histologic.grade[clinical.exp$paper_Histologic.grade == "Low Grade"] <- "Low_Grade"
# since most of low-graded are in Luminal_papilary category, we remain focus on this type
clinical.exp <- clinical.exp[clinical.exp$paper_mRNA.cluster == "Luminal_papillary", ]
clinical.exp <- clinical.exp[!is.na(clinical.exp$paper_Histologic.grade), ]

# keep samples matched between clinical.exp file and expression matrix
rna <- rna[, row.names(clinical.exp)]
all(rownames(clinical.exp) %in% colnames(rna))

## A pipeline for normalization and gene expression analysis (edgeR and limma)

edgeR_limma.pipe = function(
  group = factor(clinical.exp[, groups])
  if(!is.null(ref.group)){group = relevel(group, ref=ref.group)}
  # making DGEList object
  d = DGEList(counts= exp_mat,

  # design
  design = model.matrix(~ group)
  # filtering
  keep = filterByExpr(d,design)
  d = d[keep,,keep.lib.sizes=FALSE]

  # Calculate normalization factors to scale the raw library sizes (TMM and voom)
  design = model.matrix(~ group)
  d = calcNormFactors(d, method="TMM")
  v = voom(d, design, plot=TRUE)

  # Model fitting and DE calculation 
  fit = lmFit(v, design)
  fit = eBayes(fit)
  # DE genes
  DE = topTable(fit, coef=ncol(design), sort.by="p",number = nrow(rna), adjust.method = "BY")
      DE=DE, # DEgenes
      voomObj=v, # NOrmalized counts
      fit=fit # DE stats

# Runing the pipe
de.list <- edgeR_limma.pipe(rna,"paper_Histologic.grade", "Low_Grade" )
de.genes <- de.list$DE
#ordering diffrentially expressed genes
de.genes<-de.genes[with(de.genes, order(abs(logFC), adj.P.Val, decreasing = TRUE)), ]
# voomObj is normalized expression values on the log2 scale
norm.count <- data.frame(de.list$voomObj)
norm.count <- norm.count[,-1]
norm.count <- t(apply(norm.count,1, function(x){2^x}))
colnames(norm.count) <- chartr(".", "-", colnames(norm.count))

#______________preparing methylation data for cis-regulatory analysis____________#

# finding probes in promoter of genes
table(data.frame(ann450k)$Regulatory_Feature_Group) ## to find regulatory features of probes

# selecting a subset of probes associated with promoters
promoter.probe <- rownames(data.frame(ann450k))[data.frame(ann450k)$Regulatory_Feature_Group 
                                                 %in% c("Promoter_Associated", "Promoter_Associated_Cell_type_specific")]

# find genes probes with significantly different methylation statuses in 
# low- and high-grade bladder cancer

low.g_id <- clinical$barcode[clinical$paper_Histologic.grade == "Low Grade"]
high.g_id <- clinical$barcode[clinical$paper_Histologic.grade == "High Grade"]

dbet <- data.frame (low.grade = rowMeans(bval[, low.g_id]),
                     high.grade = rowMeans(bval[, high.g_id]))
dbet$delta <- abs(dbet$low.grade - dbet$high.grade)

db.probe <- rownames(dbet)[dbet$delta > 0.2] # those with deltabeta > 0.2
db.probe <- db.probe %in% promoter.probe # those resided in promoter
# those genes flanked to promote probe
db.genes <- data.frame(ann450k)[rownames(data.frame(ann450k)) %in% db.probe, ]
db.genes <- db.genes[, c("Name","UCSC_RefGene_Name")]
db.genes <- tidyr::separate_rows(db.genes, Name, UCSC_RefGene_Name) # extending collapsed cells
db.genes$comb <- paste(db.genes$Name,db.genes$UCSC_RefGene_Name) # remove duplicates
db.genes <- db.genes[!duplicated(db.genes$comb), ]
db.genes <- db.genes[, -3]

# polishing matrices to have only high grade samples
cis.bval.mat <- bval[, high.g_id]
cis.exp.mat <- norm.count[, rownames(clinical.exp)[clinical.exp$paper_Histologic.grade == "High_Grade"]]
#making patient name similar
colnames(cis.bval.mat) <- substr(colnames(cis.bval.mat),1,19)
colnames(cis.exp.mat) <- substr(colnames(cis.exp.mat),1,19)
cis.exp.mat <- cis.exp.mat[, colnames(cis.bval.mat)]

#editing expression matrix rowname
df <- data.frame(name = row.names(cis.exp.mat)) # keeping rownames as a temporary data frame
df <- data.frame(do.call('rbind', strsplit(as.character(df$name),'|',fixed=TRUE))) 
rowName <- df$X1
# find duplicates in rowName, if any
#20530     1 
# in order to resolve  duplucation issue
rowName[duplicated(rowName) == TRUE]
#[1] "SLC35E2"
rowName[grep("SLC35E2", rowName)[2]] <- "SLC35E2_2"
#setting rna row names 
row.names(cis.exp.mat) <- rowName
rm(df, rowName) # removing datasets that we do not need anymore

#__________________correlation analysis__________________#
cis.reg = data.frame( gene=character(0), cpg=character(0), pval=numeric(0), cor=numeric(0))

for (i in 1:nrow(db.genes)){
  cpg = db.genes[i,][7]
  gene = db.genes[i,][8]
  if (gene %in% rownames(cis.exp.mat)){
    df1 <- data.frame(exp= cis.exp.mat[as.character(gene), ])
    df2 <- t(cis.bval.mat[as.character(cpg), ])
    df <- merge(df1,df2, by = 0)
    res <- cor.test(df[,2], df[,3], method = "pearson")
    pval = round(res$p.value, 4)
    cor = round(res$estimate, 4)
    cis.reg[i,] <- c(gene, cpg, pval, cor)
cis.reg$adj.P.Val = round(p.adjust(cis.reg$pval, "fdr"),4)
cis.reg <- cis.reg[with(cis.reg, order(cor, adj.P.Val)), ]

# top pair visualization
# inspecting the results, C2orf74 gene has a significant correlation with probes:

gen.vis <- merge(data.frame(exp= cis.exp.mat["C2orf74", ]), 
            t(cis.bval.mat[c("cg24757310", "cg01648237", "cg05037927", "cg16328106", "cg23405039", "cg18158151"), ]),
            by = 0)

sapply(names(gen.vis)[3:8], function(cpg){
  plot(x= gen.vis[ ,cpg], y = gen.vis[,2], xlab = "beta value",
       xlim = c(0,1),
       ylab = "normalized expression" ,
       pch = 19,
       main = paste("C2orf74",cpg, sep = "-"),
       frame = FALSE)
  abline(lm(gen.vis[,2] ~ gen.vis[ ,cpg], data = gen.vis), col = "blue")

enter image description here

Starburst plot for trans-regulation visualization

# adding genes to delta beta data 
tran.reg <- data.frame(ann450k)[rownames(data.frame(ann450k)) %in% rownames(dbet), ][, c(4,24)]
tran.reg <- tidyr::separate_rows(tran.reg, Name, UCSC_RefGene_Name) # extending collapsed cells
tran.reg$comb <- paste(tran.reg$Name,tran.reg$UCSC_RefGene_Name) # remove duplicates
tran.reg <- tran.reg[!duplicated(tran.reg$comb), ]
tran.reg <- tran.reg[, -3]
names(tran.reg)[2] <- "gene"

# merging with deltabeta dataframe
dbet$Name <- rownames(dbet)
tran.reg <- merge(tran.reg, dbet, by = "Name")
# joining with differential expression analysis result
#editing expression matrix rowname
df <- data.frame(name = row.names(de.genes)) # keeping rownames as a temporary data frame
df <- data.frame(do.call('rbind', strsplit(as.character(df$name),'|',fixed=TRUE)))
df$X1[df$X1 == "?"] <- df$X2 # replace "? with entrez gene number
rowName <- df$X1
# find duplicates in rowName, if any
#16339     1    
# in order to resolve  duplication issue
rowName[duplicated(rowName) == TRUE]
grep("SLC35E2", rowName)
#[1]  9225 15546
rowName[15546] <- "SLC35E2_2"
#setting rna row names 
row.names(de.genes) <- rowName
rm(df, rowName) # removing datasets that we do not need anymore
de.genes$rownames.exp_mat. <- rownames(de.genes)
names(de.genes)[1] <- "gene"
# merging
tran.reg <- merge(tran.reg, de.genes, by = "gene")
# inspecting data
hist(tran.reg$delta) # delta was calculated as abs(delta), re-calculate to have original value
tran.reg$delta <- tran.reg$high.grade - tran.reg$low.grade

# defining a column for coloring
tran.reg$group <- ifelse(tran.reg$delta <= -0.2 & tran.reg$logFC <= -1.5, "hypo-down",
                       ifelse(tran.reg$delta <= -0.2 & tran.reg$logFC >= 1.5, "hypo-up",
                              ifelse(tran.reg$delta >= 0.2 & tran.reg$logFC <= -1.5, "hypr-down",
                                     ifelse(tran.reg$delta >= 0.2 & tran.reg$logFC >= 1.5, "hypr-up", "not-sig"))))

# plotting
cols <- c("hypo-down" = "#B8860B", "hypo-up" = "blue", "not-sig" = "grey", "hypr-down" = "red", "hypr-up" = "springgreen4")

ggplot(tran.reg, aes(x = delta, y = logFC, color = group)) +
  geom_point(size = 2.5, alpha = 1, na.rm = T) +
  scale_colour_manual(values = cols) + 
  theme_bw(base_size = 14) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 1.5, colour="#990000", linetype="dashed") + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = -1.5, colour="#990000", linetype="dashed") + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0.2, colour="#990000", linetype="dashed") + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = -0.2, colour="#990000", linetype="dashed") +
  xlab("mean methylation diffrences") + 
  ylab("Log2 expression change")

enter image description here


1- A cross-package Bioconductor workflow for analyzing methylation array data

2- Integrative analysis of DNA methylation and gene expression identified cervical cancer-specific diagnostic biomarkers

cancer methylation RNA-Seq R • 5.2k views
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Hello Professor, how did you find the probes in the promoter region? Do you screen the probes based on the UCSC_RefGene_Group image (5'UTR; TSS1500; TSS200, etc.) in the comment information?

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Here is how I did that part .

library( "IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19")
ann450k <- getAnnotation(IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19)
promoter.probe <- rownames(data.frame(ann450k))[data.frame(ann450k)$Regulatory_Feature_Group 
                                                 %in% c("Promoter_Associated", "Promoter_Associated_Cell_type_specific")]

As you may see in the code I asked to have probes that have "Promoter_Associated" or "Promoter_Associated_Cell_type_specific" value under Regulatory_Feature_Group column in ann450k object.

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I am performing your 'cis.reg' correlation analysis but I am facing some troubles: I have several NA values in my cis.reg dataframe. Can you please enlighten me on to why?

Here is my detailed data:

dmp_f: 'data.frame':5293 obs. of  24 variables (DMPs that i am interested)

    #______________preparing methylation data for cis-regulatory analysis____________#

    #Create db.genes file based on differentially methylated probes analysis  
    db.genes <- data.frame(Column1= rownames(dmp_f), 
                          Column2 = dmp_f$gene)

    #5293 obs. of 2 variables
    #Column 1 will be my 'name' column
    #Column 2 will be my 'gene' column colnames(db.genes) <- c("name", "GENE") 

    #Filter the rna expression matrix (vsd_corr, derived from vst normalization) 
    #to keep only genes that were found differentially expressed by deseq analysis

    de.genes <- deseq_res_filtered$GENE cis.exp.mat <- vsd_corr[de.genes, ]
    #3645 genes and 112 samples

    db.genes <- tidyr::separate_rows(db.genes, name, GENE) str(db.genes)
    #tibble [5,298 × 2] 

    #Then, we combine both columns to check if there is duplicates: db.genes$comb <- paste(db.genes$name,db.genes$GENE)

    ## As we have probes not associated with any gene, we remove this probes from the following analysis db.genes <- db.genes[trimws(db.genes$GENE) != "", ] db.genes
    ## Our tibble remained with 2,830 obs.

    db.genes <- db.genes[!duplicated(db.genes$comb), ] db.genes <- db.genes[, -3]

    #methylation beta matrix of significant DMPs sig_DMPs_corr <- as.data.frame(sig_DMPs_corr) 

    #Checking if the matrices colnames dimensions are identical: dim(sig_DMPs_corr)#[1] 5293  112 dim(cis.exp.mat)#[1] 3645    112 dim(db.genes)#[1] 2830    2


    #________ P E R F O R M     T H E     C O R R E L A T I O N      A N A L Y S I S  

    cis.reg = data.frame( gene=character(0), cpg=character(0), pval=numeric(0), cor=numeric(0))

    #Function for the correlation analysis. for (i in 1:nrow(db.genes)){   cpg <- db.genes[i,][1]    gene <- db.genes[i,][2] if (gene %in% rownames(cis.exp.mat)){ 
        df1 <- data.frame(exp= cis.exp.mat[as.character(gene), ])
        df2 <- t(sig_DMPs_corr[as.character(cpg), ])
        df <- merge(df1,df2, by = 0) ## This means that df rows will be combined when the first column values are identical
        res <- cor.test(df[,2], df[,3], method = "spearman")# we could use other method if wanted
        pval = round(res$p.value, 20)
        cor = round(res$estimate, 4)
        cis.reg[i,] <- c(gene, cpg, pval, cor)   } }

    cis.reg$adj.P.Val = round(p.adjust(cis.reg$pval, "fdr"),20) cis.reg <- cis.reg[with(cis.reg, order(cor, adj.P.Val)), ]
    #2830 obs. 

    # Saving this result.  setwd("/data00/PRJ_SCRATCH/SheilaCoelho/headspace_methyl/data/results_deseq/") write.csv(cis.reg, file="tcga_tumorlarynx_cis_reg_correlation_between_DMPs_DEgenes_NSD1status.csv") setwd("/data00/PRJ_SCRATCH/SheilaCoelho/headspace_methyl/data/")

    # We want to know WHERE this probes are located, thus:

    probe.features <- ann450k@listData probe.features <- as.data.frame(probe.features, row.names = probe.features$Name)

    #Checking in the df 'probe.features', probe characteristics.. corr_probes_info <- probe.features[rownames(probe.features) %in% cis.reg$cpg, ]
    #We remained with 553 probes only.

    # Decided to keep only those probes with moderate to strong correlations (>= |0.5|)
    # We need to filter 'cis.reg' df to find these probes  corr_probes_f <- cis.reg[abs(cis.reg$cor) >= 0.5, ] 
    #2411 obs.

    # We also have to remove from this new df all rows with 'NA' values corr_probes_f <- corr_probes_f[complete.cases(corr_probes_f), ]


Many thanks in advance!!


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