These are from R pheatmap package (,
the code will be according to the following line:
plot_heatmap <- function(gene_counts, gene_set, gene_ann = NA, samp_ann = NA, change_rows = FALSE){
#function to plot heatmap with dendrograms
#input - dataframe with normalized counts (columns - samples, rows - genes) and set of genes (vector) to perform clasterisation on
# gene_ann = NA, samp_ann = NA 1 column dataframes for legends (side-bars)
#1st - prefrom clast on samples based on cpearman correlation
#2nd - perform clast on genes based on spearman correlation
#3rd - draw resulting heatmap of log(gene expression), ordering genes and samples based on previouse clasterisaiton and adding previouse dendros
breaksList <- seq(-1, 1, by = 0.1)
#class names for legends and side-bars
if(![1]){colnames(gene_ann) <- c('Genes')}
if(![1]){colnames(samp_ann) <- c('Sample_types')}
# get necessary maatrix
gene_mtr <- gene_counts[gene_set,]
colnames(gene_mtr) <- row.names(samp_ann)
#clustering of samples based on correlation
correlationmatrix <- cor(gene_mtr, use = 'pairwise.complete.obs', method = 'spearman')
samp_pm <- pheatmap(correlationmatrix, main = 'Spearman', silent = T)
samp_order <- samp_pm$tree_row$order
#clustering of genes based on correlation
correlationmatrix <- cor(t(gene_mtr), use = 'pairwise.complete.obs', method = 'spearman')
gene_pm <- pheatmap(correlationmatrix, main = 'Spearman', silent = T)
gene_order <- gene_pm$tree_row$order
#make a heatmap of log(expression) with previously identified clusters
hetM <- pheatmap(log(gene_mtr+1), cluster_rows = gene_pm$tree_col, cluster_cols = samp_pm$tree_row,
#graffical parameters go here
color = colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(n = 7, name = "RdYlBu")))(length(breaksList)),
annotation_col = samp_ann, fontsize =7,
annotation_row = gene_ann