Hey there! Hope everyone is doing great :)
I have a question regarding using LIMMA package for data that is not RNA-seq nor microarray. I have a dataset of protein/biomarker quantification and I would like to get log-fold changes(i.e. using differential protein expression) based on my conditions of interest. However, the used measurement technique for the dataset I have(Proximity Extension Assay technology) does not provide absolute expression/quantification, but normalized protein expression (NPX). NPX(click here for more details) is an arbitrary unit on Log2 scale. These normalized expressions(their expressions are normally distributed) are highly correlated with absolute quantification of proteins(spearman's correlation can reach up to 0.85 for the same proteins). My understanding is since the data that I have is normalized quantification/expression, which is similar to what is done in microarrays(normalized Microarray intensity values), the data I have can be analyzed using the same pipelines for microarrays. However, in the user guide of limma, I could not find an explanation/mention about whether limma could also be used in such settings/data/applications.
My questions are :
1) is it possible to use limma to find differentially expressed proteins in my case? Also, is it a valid way for such analysis?
2) if yes, should I also set trend=T and robust =T
or just use the normal pipeline?
3) if that's not possible, any thoughts or suggestions to do differential protein expression?
Thank you very much in advance for your help!
Hi, I suggest you post this over at support.bioconductor.org. The limma authors are monitoring the support page and are very responsive, this you get you the definite expert's answer you are looking for towards limma and your data.
Thank you very much for the suggestion. For possibly similar questions in the future, I have posted the question there and got an answer from professor Gordon Smyth. https://support.bioconductor.org/p/9135581/#9135807
see if this link serves your purpose: https://uclouvain-cbio.github.io/BSS2019/figs/cancer_3x3.html
Dear Cpad, thanks for your suggestion. I read about the MSqRob package and it seems only used to proteomics measured using mass spectrometry. In my case, proteins were not measured using the same technique.