The question is in the title, Otherwise is there any ressource to access the SARS-CoV-2 sequences available in public db in more or less real time?
Thank you for your inputs
The question is in the title, Otherwise is there any ressource to access the SARS-CoV-2 sequences available in public db in more or less real time?
Thank you for your inputs
From the GitHub page I got the answer. It is not possible. That is pity because it would made easy to download the data from GISAID in a clever way
GISAID has currently 700 000 genomes while EBI only 360 000 but raw data ... very few genomes/sequences (only 73,213). NCBI has even less data (60 000 genomes)
Since you asked for public genomes NCBI is the only painless way.
You may have seen this article in Science this week :
would likely lose access to GSAID data if they allowed resharing.
SARS-CoV-2 sequences available in public db in more or less real time
I suggest using NCBI datasets
daily: This link is for a web download but you can use datasets
on the command line as well.
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Have you tried GenBank?
Specifically should be this:,%20taxid:2697049
This does not answer the question in a specific fashion and is better suited as a comment. I've moved it to one.