I'm having some trouble dealing with samtools VCF files. These files have a field for the reference and another for the alternate allele, but shouldn't this be instead major/minor alleles??
I mean, in the example below, position 335 on chr01 has a G and T with freqT=0.2607. chromosome01 335 . G T 19.3 . DP=7;AF1=0.2607;AC1=2;....
How would VCF depict a case of a position where the reference was "G" (like above) but where freqT=0.3 and freqA=0.7?? that is, where none of the alleles is equal to the reference.
thanks FGV
but then, how would the allele frequencies be displayed for each ALT? two AF1 fields?
most people use a comma delimited string in the same order as the alt field