I was having issues creating new conda environments containing bowtie2. For example:
$ conda create -n bttest -c bioconda bowtie2
$ conda activate bttest
$ bowtie2
~/.conda/envs/bttest/bin/bowtie2-align-s: error while loading shared libraries: libtbb.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
(ERR): Description of arguments failed!
Exiting now ...
I found that downgrading to tbb=2020.2
fixes the problem, the 2021.1. This fixes the problem (within the env above):
$ conda install tbb=2020.2
$ bowtie2 -h
Hoping this saves someone else a few minutes!
This is a sneaky one. Under Ubuntu 18.04 I don't get a segfault, primarily because there's a compatible TBB installed on the system. I expect the conda-forge TBB package needs to be updated to better pin things.
Update: while there run_export in that package isn't ideal, there is supposed to be a project-wide pin to TBB 2020, which is being ignored for some reason. I'm looking into that.
It did! You Sir just won the internet for today.