I am not sure this is possible but I was wondering if there was a way to model for opposite effects in the deseq2 design formula?
I have two cell lines, one overexpressing a Wt kinase and one a kinase-dead form. We have shown through experiments that the KD version has DN effects. Is there a way to model the differences between the two specifying their opposite effects?
I have done:
Wt kinase overexpressed vs not overexpressed control on it's own
KD kinase overexpressed vs not overexpressed control on it's own
Looked for opposite results between the two
Now is there a better way to model opposite differences between Wt vs KD with respect to their own controls in the DESeq2 formula?
would it be something like ~ cellLine + overexpression + cellLine:overexpression
with 3 levels to overexpression?
Can you provide your full sample sheet?