Hi everyone,
My question may be too simple for experienced PLINK users, yet I cannot find the simplest answers anywhere online.
I was looking for a sample analysis in plink to see how a GWAS is actually run as I am a super new user.
I have created .ped and .map files using:
vcftools --vcf chr21.vcf --chr 21 --from-bp 9411245 --to-bp 9411245 --out results --plink
and have also tried using the plink command:
../plink_linux_x86_64/plink --double-id --vcf chr21.vcf.gz --chr 21 --from-bp 9411245 --to-bp 9411245 --recode --out out
which provided me with a .map
, .ped
and .nosex
I have a text file with the columns of the phenotypes for which I need to run my GWAS but the problem is I do not know what the phenotype file should exactly have or whether I should use one of the above files in my GWAS run. My pheno.txt looks like this:
Phenotype1 Phenotype 2 Phenotype 3
0.969740676 1.092626777 1.467815889
0.751133434 -0.231977679 0.318320143
Now I used the following command to run GWAS:
../plink_linux_x86_64/plink --double-id --vcf chr21.vcf --pheno pheno.txt --mpheno 3 --linear --out gwas_results
Could someone give me a clue please??
Thanks a lot in advance
IIRC the phenotype file is just IID, FID and the phenotype column from the traditional PED format. I'm trying to find solid support for this, but while I can recall seeing it a while ago, I can't seem to find written proof anywhere.
Thanks a lot! Exactly, it's so simple but I couldn't find a source saying that precisely.