I've been trying to find the documentation on generating a dbSNP.rod file that used to be in the GATK's re-aligning workflows and documented in the GATK wiki, but due to their new licensing they've taken that site down.
I also stumbled upon this, http://jianyingli18.wordpress.com/2011/04/04/gatk-base-calling-score-recalibration-first-task-on-duke-campus/ , which seems to imply they're not necessary anymore.
Can someone straighten me out?
Yes it did. I also finally found this documentation on the portion I was about to use: http://www.broadinstitute.org/gsa/gatkdocs/release/orgbroadinstitutestinggatkwalkersindelsRealignerTargetCreator.html
They state this in there: --known / -known (List[RodBinding[VariantContext]] with default value [])
Input VCF file with known indels. Any number of VCF files representing known SNPs and/or indels. Could be e.g. dbSNP and/or official 1000 Genomes indel calls. SNPs in these files will be ignored unless the --mismatchFraction argument is used. --known binds reference ordered data. This argument supports ROD files of the following types: VCF, VCF3
I didn't realize a ROD was a vcf. That was essentially my mistake. Thanks!