and I just find out this tax_id (603) is related to gi=156763600 on gi_taxid_prot.dmp.gz and If you search it on ncbi and press Taxonomy from the right part of the page it comes by error on the next page.
I assume you mistyped the first taxonomy ID and meant 603 instead. When you are using NCBI's web-search form, then a search for the ID 603 will redirect you to Salmonella enterica subsp. arizonae, which coincides with the XML query result you linked to. Said Salmonella has taxonomy ID 59203 just as in the XML result.
The taxonomy IDs 603 and 59203 appear to be denoting the same database entry, which is reflected in the XML at the bottom with:
I think you can treat taxonomy IDs 603 and 59203 as synonyms.